Книги о питании и его связи со здоровьем
  • Коллин Кемпбэл "Китайское исследование"
  • Шокирующая правда о воде и соли
  • Теория адекватного питания и трофология
  • Николаев "Выбор пищи - Выбор судьбы"
  • Что такое сыроедение и как стать сыроедом
  • Голодание и здоровье
  • Чудо голодания. Поль Брегг
  • Арнольд Эрет - Лечение голодом и плодами
  • Арнольд Эрет - Живое питание
  • Майк Грегер "Не сдохни!"
  • Дуглас Гремм "Диета 80-10-10"
  • Солнечная пища
  • Павел Себастьянович "Почему коровы хищники?"
  • Хайман Марк. Сахарная ловушка.
  • Секреты сыроедения Фридерик Патенод
  • Гладков С. "Умное сыроедение"
  • Марва Оганян "Золотые рецепты натуропатии"
  • Алехандро Юнгер. Программа «Здоровый кишечник». Как здоровье организма зависит от пищеварения
  • Берт Эхгартнер. Крах гигиены. Как война с микробами уничтожает наш иммунитет
  • Серия книг Нормана Уокера
  • Роберт С. Мендельсон "Исповедь еритика от медицины"
    Роберт С. Мендельсон (1926-1988), крупнейший американский педиатр, родился в Чикаго, штат Иллинойс. Степень доктора медицины получил по окончании Чикагского университета в 1951 году. Известен тем, что вообще не верит в то, что современная медицина может исцелять людей :)
  • Супер сердце. Революционное исследование о связи сердечно-сосудистой системы и питания. Колдуэлл Эссельстин-мл.
  • Аюрведа. Здоровые рецепты с тысячелетней историей для современной жизни. Джонни Бранниган, Дэниел Рода,Томас Ярема
  • Соль, сахар и жир. Как пищевые гиганты посадили нас на иглу. Майкл Мосс
  • Кацудзо Ниши. Серия книг
  • Виктория Бутенко. Серия книг о сыроедении и зеленых коктейлях
Сайты, личные блоки и школы/университеты, занимающиеся вопросами связи питания и здоровья
  • Harvard Medical School
  • Сайт Алисы Витти
  • Natural Gourmet Institute
  • Доктор Сара Готфрид
    Ссылка на источник
    Специалист в области изучения женских гормонов
  • Сайт и книги Андрю Вейла
  • Сайт Дина Орниша
  • Доктор Джейсон Фанг, практикующий врач, специалист по голоданию, автор книги The Complete Guide to Fasting
    «Вы когда-нибудь обращали внимание на то, что когда вы больны, у вас совсем нет аппетита? Это абсолютно нормальная реакция организма. Ваш организм сам пытается понизить уровень глюкозы в крови, чтобы бороться с инфекцией. Периодическое голодание — это не просто веяние моды, все механизмы голодания вшиты в наш ДНК»
  • Доктор Стивен Гандри, кардиолог, автор книги The Plant Paradox
    «Сложно представить наших предков, выползающих из пещер, с вопросом: «А что сегодня на завтрак?» В те времена не существовало холодильников, хранить еду было негде. Для меня периодическое голодание — это своеобразное воссоединение с предками»
  • Джоэль Фурман, практикующий семейный врач, диетолог, автор книги Fasting and Eating for Health)
    "За мою многолетнюю практику я был свидетелем того, как голодание исцелило пациентов от артрита и волчанки, помогло справиться с экземой и псориазом, быстро остановило развитие сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний. При этом, исцеление полное, без отката назад, а ведь во многих случаях были рекомендованы операции, к которым не пришлось в итоге прибегнуть»
  • Вальтер Лонго, автор книги " The Longevity Diet" и профессор биологии Себастьян Брандхорст
    Ссылка на источник
    Разработали диету, способную оказывать схожее положительное воздействие на организм (низкие уровни глюкозы и IGF-1, высокий уровень кетоновых тел), как и голодание, однако сводящую к минимуму негативные его последствия — FMD (диета, имитирующая голодание) до 5 дней (не реже двух раз в год).
  • Сайт с информацией про микробиому человека
  • American Gut Project
  • Small Things Considered Blog
  • Stories about health and the microbiome from NPR
  • Animated Life: Seeing the Invisible, by the New York Times
  • Michael Greger MD FACML Founder NutritionFacts.org
Фильмы, программы/передачи, лекции
  • Рекомендации по образу жизни и питанию Всемирного фонда исследования рака и Американского института исследования рака (WCRF/AICR):
    Ссылка на источник
    Ограничьте потребление красного мяса, избегайте употребления консервированного мяса: - среднее потребление красного мяса среди населения не должно быть более 300г (11 унций) в неделю , и гораздо меньше, если оно подвергалось консервированию/обработке. - люди, употребляющие красное мясо (говядину, свинину, баранину), должны съедать его не более 500г (18 унций) в неделю, и гораздо меньше, если оно подвергалось консервированию (копчение, соление, вяление, добавление химических соединений с целью консервирования).
  • МАИР
    Ссылка на источник
    МАИР сделало выводы и внесло обработанное мясо в 1 группу канцерогенных веществ («канцерогенные для человека») и красное мясо во 2А группу, как «вероятно канцерогенные для человека».
  • ВОЗ/МАИР. Вопросы и ответы о канцерогенности красного мяса и мясной продукции
  • Barnard ND, Nicholson A, Howard JL. The medical costs attributable to meat consumption.
  • Ornish D, Brown SE, Scherwitz LW, Billings JH, Armstrong WT, Ports TA. Can lifestyle changes reverse coronary heart disease?
    Cамое известное преимущество безмясного питания состоит в его полезности для сердца. В 1990 году доктор Дин Орниш произвел революцию в кардиологии, показав, что вегетарианская диета, наряду с другими изменениями образа жизни, раскрывает закупоренные артерии в 82% случаев – без операции и даже без понижающих холестерин лекарств.
  • Hunninghake DB, Stein EA, Dujovne CA. The efficacy of intensive dietary therapy alone or combined with lovastatin in outpatients with hypercholesterolemia. New England Journal of Medicine
    Питание, основанное на белом мясе, снижает уровень холестерина в крови примерно на пять процентов, то, совсем исключив мясо из рациона, можно добиться в три-четыре раза более резкого уменьшения показателя холестерина, что закономерно приведет к раскрытию сердечных артерий.
  • Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner BA, Speizer FE. Relation of meat, fat, and fiber intake to the risk of colon cancer in a prospective study among women. New England Journal of Medicine
    По данным исследований Гарвардского университета, в которых участвовали десятки тысяч мужчин и женщин, опасность возникновения рака толстой кишки уменьшается на две третьих при отсутствии мяса в рационе
  • Lloyd T, Chinchilli VM, Johnson-Rollings N, Kieselhorst K, Eggli DF, Marcus R. Adult female hip bone density reflects teenage sports-exercise patterns but not teenage calcium intake. Pediatrics 2000
    Исследователи Пенсильванского университета (Pennsylvania State University) обнаружили, что у девочек в период наиболее активного построения костной ткани – между 12 и 18 годами – увеличенное поступление кальция в организм не влияет на рост и укрепление костей.
  • Hazum E, Sabatka JJ, Chang KJ, Brent DA, Findlay JWA, Cuatrecasas P. Morphine in cow and human milk: Could dietary morphine constitute a ligand for specific morphine (?) receptors? Science 1981
    В 1981 году группа ученых «Исследовательских лабораторий «Уэллкам» (Wellcome Research Laboratories Research Triangle Park) (штат Северная Каролина) сообщила о примечательном открытии. Проанализировав образцы коровьего молока, исследователи обнаружили в нем следы химического вещества, очень походившего на морфин.
Китайское Исследование
Глава 1
1. American Cancer Society. "Cancer Facts and Figures-1998." Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society, 1998.
2. Flegal KM, Carroll MD, Ogden CL, et al. "Prevalence and trends in obesity among U.S. adults, 1999-2000." JAMA 288 (2002): 1723-1727.
3. National Center for Health Statistics. "Obesity still on the rise, new data show. The U.S. De­partment of Health and Human Services News Release." October 10, 2003. Washington, DC: 2002. Accessed at http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/releases/02news/obesityonr...
4. Lin B-H, Guthrie], and Frazao E. "Nutrient Contribution of Food Away from Home." In: E. Frazao (ed.), Americas Eating Habits: Changes and Consequences. Washington, DC: Economic Research Service, USDA, 1999. Cited on p. 138 in: Information Plus. Nutrition: a hey to good health. Wylie, TX: Information Plus, 1999.
5. Mokdad AH, Ford ES, Bowman BA, et al. "Diabetes trends in the U.S.: 1990-1998." Diabetes Care 23 (2000): 1278-1283.
6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "National Diabetes Fact Sheet: National Esti­mates and General lnformation on Diabetes in the United States, Revised Edition." Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1998.
7. American Diabetes Association. "Economic consequences of diabetes mellitus in the U.S. in 1997." Diabetes Care 21 (1998): 296--309. Cited In: Mokdad AH, Ford ES, Bowman BA, et al. "Diabetes trends in the U.S.: 1990-1998." Diabetes Care 23 (2000): 1278-1283.
8. American Heart Association. "Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics--2003 Update." Dallas, TX: American Heart Association, 2002.
9. Omish D, Brown SE, Scherwitz LW, et al. "Can lifestyle changes reverse coronary heart dis­ease?" Lancet 336 (1990): 129-133.
10. Esselstyn CB, Ellis SG, Medendorp SV, et al. "A strategy to arrest and reverse coronary artery disease: a 5-year longitudinal study of a single physician's practice." J. Family Practice 41 (1995): 560-568.
11. Starfield B. "Is U.S. health really the best in the world?" JAMA 284 (2000): 483-485.
12. Anderson RN. "Deaths: leading causes for 2000." Nation.al Vital Statistics Reports 50(16)(2002):
13. Phillips D, Christenfeld N, and Glynn L. "Increase in U.S. medication-error death between 1983 and 1993." Lancet 351 (1998): 643--644.
14. U.S. Congressional House Subcommittee Oversight Investigation. "Cost and quality of health care: unnecessary surgery." Washington, DC: 1976. Cited by: Leape, L "Unnecessary sur­gery." Ann. Rev. Publ. Health 13 (1992): 363-383.
15. Lazarou J, Pomeranz B, and Corey PN. "Incidence of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients." JAMA 279 (1998): 1200-1205.
16. World Health Organization. Technical Report Series No. 425. "International Drug Monitor­ing: the Role of the Hospital." Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 1966.
17. Health Insurance Association of America. Source Book of Health Insurance Data: 1999-2000. Washington, DC, 1999.
18. National Center for Health Statistics. Health, United States, 2000 with Adolescent Health Chart­booh. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics, 2000.
19. Starfield B. Primary Care: Balancing Health Needs, Services, and Technology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1998.
20. World Health Organization. World Health Report 2000: Press release. "World Health Or­ganization assesses the world's health systems." June 21, 2000. Geneva. Accessed at http: //www.who.int
21. Coble YD. American Medical Association press release. "AMA decries rise in number of un­insured Americans." September 30, 2003. Chicago, IL Accessed at httpJ/www.ama-assn.org/ ama/pub/article/1617-8064.htrnl
22. Campbell TC. "Present day knowledge on aflatoxin." Phil] Nutr 20 (1967): 193-201.
23. Campbell TC, CaedoJP,Jr., Bulatao-JaymeJ, et al. "Aflatoxin M1 in human urine." Nature 227 (1970): 403-404.
24. This program was conducted in collaboration with the Philippine Department of Health and was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). USAID paid my full salary for six years and resulted in 110 "mother craft centers" disuibuted around much of the Philippines. Progress on this contract was prepared as monthly reports to USA ID by Associate Dean C.W. Engel at Virginia Tech.
25. Hu J, Zhao X, Jia J, et al. "Dietary calcium and bone density among middle-aged and elderly women in China." Am.]. Clin. Nutr. 58 (1993): 219-227.
26. Hu J, Zhao X, Parpia B, et al. "Dietary intakes and urinary excretion of calcium and acids: a cross-sectional study of women in China." Am.]. Clin. Nutr. 58 (1993): 398-406.
27. HuJ, Zhao X, Parpia B, et al. "Assessment of a modified household food weighing method in a study of bone health in China." European]. Clin. Nutr. 48 (1994): 442-452.
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29. Potischman N, McCulloch CE, Byers T, et al. "Associations between breast cancer, triglycer­ides and cholesterol." Nutr. Cancer 15 (1991): 205-215.
30. Chen], Campbell TC, LiJ, et al. Diet, life-style and mortality in China. A study of the character­istics of 65 Chinese counties. Oxford, UK; Ithaca, NY; Beijing, PRC: Oxford University Press; Cornell University Press; Peoples Medical Publishing House, 1990.
31. Campbell TC, and Chenj. "Diet and chronic degenerative diseases:perspectives from China." Am.]. Clin. Nutr. 59 (Suppl.) (1994): 11535-11615.
32. Campbell TC. "The dietary causes of degenerative diseases: nutrients vs foods." In: N. J. Temple and D. P. Burkitt (eds.), Western diseases: their dietary prevention and reversibility, pp.
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33. Campbell TC, and Chen J. "Diet and chronic degenerative diseases: a summary of results from an ecologic study in rural China." Jn: N.j. Temple and D. P. Burkitt (eds.), Western dis­eases: their dietary prevention and reversibility, pp. 67-118. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 1994.
34. Chittenden RH. Physiological economy in nutrition. New York: F.A. Stokes, 1904.
35. Chittenden RH. The nutrition of man. New York: F. A. Stokes, 1907.

Глава 2
1. Stillings BR. "World supplies of animal protein." In:]. W. G. Porter and B. A. Rolls (eds.), Proteins in Human Nutrition, pp. 11-33. London: Academic Press, 1973.
2. Campbell TC, Warner RG, and loosliJK. "Urea and biuret for ruminants." In: Cornell Nutri­tion Conference, Buffalo, NY, 1960, pp. 96-103.
3. Campbell TC, Loosli JK, Warner RG, et al. "Utilization of biuret by ruminants." j. Animal Science 22 (1963): 139-145.
4. Autret M. "World protein supplies and needs. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Easter School in Agricultural Science, University of Nottingham, 1969." In: R. A. Laurie (ed.), Proteins in Hu­man Food, pp. 3-19. Westport, CT.: Avi Publishing Company, 1970.
5. Scrimshaw NS, and Young VR. "Nutritional evaluation and the utilization of protein resourc­es." In: C. E. Bodwell (ed.), Evaluation of Proteins for Humans, pp. 1-10. Westport, CT: The Avi Publishing Co., 1976.
6. Jalil ME, and Tahir WM. "World supplies of plant proteins." In: J. W. G. Porter and B. A. Rolls (eds.), Proteins in Human Nutrition, pp. 35-46. London: Academic Press, 1973.
7. Blount WP. "Turkey "X" Disease." Turkeys 9 (1961): 52, 55-58, 61, 77.
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12. Campbell TC, CaedoJP,Jr., Bulatao-JayrneJ, et al. "Aflatoxin M1 in human urine." Nature 227 (1970): 403-404.
13. Madhavan TV, and Gopalan C. "T he effect of dietary protein on carcinogenesis of aflatoxin." Arch. Path. 85 (1968): 133-137.
Глава 3
1. Natural Resources Defense Council. "Intolerable risk: pesticides in our children's food." New York: Natural Resources Defense Council, February 27, 1989.
2. Winter C, Craigmill A, and Stimmann M. "Food Safety Issues II. NRDC report and Alar." UC Davis Environmental Toxicology Newsletter 9(2) (1989): 1.
3. Lieberman AJ, and Kwon SC. "Fact versus fears: a review of the greatest unfounded health scares of recent times." New York: American Council on Science and Health, June, 1998.
4. Whelan EM, and Stare FJ. Panic in the pantry: facts and fallacies about the food you buy. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1992.
5. U.S. Apple Association. "News release: synopsis of U.S. Apple Press Conference." Mclean, VA: U.S. Apple Association, February 25, 1999.
6. Cassens RG. Nitrite-cured meat: a food safety issue in perspective. Trumbull, CT: Food and Nutrition Press, Inc., 1990.
7. lijinsky W, and Epstein SS. "Nitrosamines as environmental carcinogens." Nature 225 (1970): 21-23.
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9. International Agency for Cancer Research. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Car­cinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans: Some N-Nitroso Compounds. Vol. 17 Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1978.
10. Druckrey H, Janzowski R, and Preussmann R. "Organotrope carcinogene wirkungen bei 65 verschiedenen N-nitroso-verbindungen an BD-ratten." Z. Krebsforsch. 69 (1967): 103-201.
11. Thomas C, and So BT. "Zur morphologie der <lurch N-nitroso-verbindungen erzeugten tumo­ren im oberen verdauungstrakt der ratte." Arzneimittelforsch. 19 (1969): 1077-1091.
12. Eisenbrand G, Spiegelhalder B,Janzowski C, et al. "Volatile and non-volatile N-nitroso com­pounds in foods and other environmental media." IARC Sci. Publi. 19 (1978): 311-324.
13. National Archives and Records Administration. "Code of Federal Regulations: Title 9, Ani­mals and Animal Products, Section 319.180 (9CFR319.180)." Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2001.
14. Kanfer S. October 2, 1972. "The decline and fall of the American hot dog." Time: 86.
15. Newberne P. "Nitrite promotes lymphoma incidence in rats." Science 204 (1979): 1079- 1081.
16. Madhavan TV, and Gopalan C. "The effect of dietary protein on carcinogenesis of aflatoxin." Arch. Path. 85 (1968): 133-137.
17. lf this defect becomes part of the first round of daughter cells, then this will be passed on to all subsequent generations of cells, with the potential to eventually become clinically detect­able cancer. However, this is an oversimplification of a very complex process. Perhaps two of the more significant omissions are the hypotheses that 1) more than one mutation may be required to initiate and promote cancer, and 2) not all genetic defects result in cancer.
18. Mgbodile MUK, and Campbell TC. "Effect of protein deprivation of male weanling rats on the kinetics of hepatic microsomal enzyme activity." j. Nutr. 102 (1972): 53-60.
19. Hayes JR, Mgbodile MUK, and Campbell TC. "Effect of protein deficiency on the inducibility of the hepatic microsomal drug-metabolizing enzyme system. I. Effect on substrate interac­tion with cytochrome P-450." Biochem. Pharmacol. 22 (1973): 1005-1014.
20. Mgbodile MUK, Hayes JR, and Campbell TC. "Effect of protein deficiency on the inducibility of the hepatic microsomal drug-metabolizing enzyme system. 11. Effect on enzyme kinetics and electron transport system." Biochem. Pharmacol. 22 (1973): 1125-1132.
21. Hayes JR, and Campbell TC. "Effect of protein deficiency on the inducibility of the hepatic microsomal drug-metabolizing enzyme system. lll. Effect of 3-methylcholanthrene induction on activity and binding kinetics." Biochem. Pharmacol. 23 (1974): 1721-1732.
22. Campbell TC. "Influence of nutrition on metabolism of carcinogens (Martha Maso Honor's Thesis)." Adv. Nutr. Res. 2 (1979): 29-55.
23. Preston RS, HayesJR, and Campbell TC. "The effect of protein deficiency on the in vivo bind­ing of aflatoxin B1 to rat liver macromolecules." Life Sci. 19 (1976): 1191-1198.
24. Portman RS, Plowman KM, and Campbell TC. "On mechanisms affecting species susceptibil­ity to anatoxin." Biochim. Biophys. Acta 208 (1970): 487-495.
25. Prince LO, and Campbell TC. "Effects of sex difference and dietary protein level on the binding of af\atoxin B1 to rat liver chromatin proteins in vivo." Cancer Res. 42 (1982): 5053-5059.
26. Mainigi KD, and Campbell TC. "Subcellular distribution and covalent binding of aflatoxins as functions of dietary manipulation." j Toxicol. Eviron. Health 6 (1980): 659-671.
27. Nerurkar LS, Hayes JR, and Campbell TC. "The reconstitution of hepatic microsomal mixed function oxidase activity with fractions derived from weanling rats fed different levels of protein." j. Nutr. 108 (1978): 678-686.
28. Gurtoo HL, and Campbell TC. "A kinetic approach to a study of the induction of rat liver microsomal hydroxylase after pretreatment with 3,4-benzpyrene and aflatoxin B1 ." Biochem. Pharmacol. 19 (1970): 1729-1735.
29. Adekunle AA, Hayes JR. and Campbell TC. "Interrelationships of dietary protein level, afla­toxin B1 metabolism, and hepatic microsomal epoxide hydrase activity." Life Sci. 21 (1977): 1785-1792.
30. Mainigi KD, and Campbell TC. "Effects of low dietary protein and dietary af!atoxin on he­patic glutathione levels in F-344 rats." Toxicol. Appl. Phannacol. 59 (1981): 196-203.
31. Farber E, and Cameron R. "The sequential analysis of cancer development." Adv. Cancer Res. 31 (1980): 125-226.
32. Foci response for the various charts in this chapter mostly reflect"% of liver volume," which integrates "number of foci" and "size of foci," both of which indicate tumor-forming ten­dency. So that the responses from individual experiments can be compared among each other, the data are adjusted to a common scale that reflects the response produced by a standard dose of af!atoxin and by feeding a 20% protein diet.
33. Appleton BS, and Campbell TC. "Inhibition of aflatoxin-initiated preneoplastic liver lesions by low dietary protein." Nutr. Cancer 3 (1982): 200-206.
34. Dunaif GE, and Campbell TC. "Relative contribution of dietary protein level and Aflatoxin B dose in generation of presumptive preneoplastic foci in rat liver."]. Natl. Cancer Inst. 78 1
(1987): 365-369.
35. Youngman LD, and Campbell TC. "High protein intake promotes the growth of preneoplastic foci in Fischer #344 rats: evidence that early remodeled foci retain the potential for future growth."]. Nutr. 121 (1991): 1454-1461.
36. Youngman LD, and Campbell TC. "Inhibition of aflatoxin El-induced gamrna-glutamyl transpeptidase positive (GGT+) hepatic preneoplastic foci and tumors by low protein diets: evidence that altered GGT + foci indicate neoplastic potential." Carcinogenesis 13 (1992): 1607-1613.
37. Dunaif GE, and Campbell TC. "Dietary protein level and aflatoxin El-induced preneoplastic hepatic lesions in the rat."]. Nutr. 117 (1987): 1298-1302.
38. Horio F, Youngman LD, Bell RC, et al. "Thermogenesis, low-protein diets, and decreased de­velopment of AFBl-induced preneoplastic foci in rat liver." Nutr. Cancer 16 (1991): 31-41.
39. About 12% dietary protein is required to maximize growth rate, according to the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences.
40. Subcommitcee on Laboratory Animal Nutrition. Nutrient requirements of laboratory animals. Second revised edition, number 10. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1972.
41. National Research Council. Recommended dietary allowances. Tenth edition. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1989.
42. Schulsinger DA, Root MM, and Campbell TC. "Effect of dietary protein quality on develop­ment of aflatoxin El-induced hepatic preneoplastic lesions."]. Natl. Cancer Inst. 81 (1989): 1241-1245.
43. Youngman LD. The growth and dev elopment of ajlatoxin Bl-induced preneoplastic lesions, tu­mors, metastasis, and spontaneous tumors as they are influenced by dietary protein level, type, and intervention. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Ph.D. Thesis, 1990.
44. Beasley RP. "Hepatitis B virus as the etiologic agent in hepatocellular carcinoma-epidemio­logic considerations." Hepatol. 2 (1982): 215-265.
45. Blumberg BS, Larouze B, London WT, et al. "The relation of infection with the hepatitis B agent to primary hepatic carcinoma." Am.]. Pathol. 81 (1975): 669-682.
46. Chisari FV, Ferrari C, and Mondelli MU. "Hepatitis B virus structure and biology." Microbial. Pathol. 6 (1989): 311-325.
4 7. Hu J, Cheng Z, Chisari FY, et al. "Repression of hepatitis B virus (HBV) transgene and HBV­ induced liver injury by low protein diet." Oncogene 15 (1997): 2795-2801.
48. Cheng Z, Hu J, King], et al. "Inhibition of hepatocellular carcinoma development in hepatitis B virus transfected mice by low dietary casein." Hepatology 26 (1997): 1351-1354.
49. Hawrylewicz EJ, Huang HH, Kissane JQ, et al. "Enhancement of the 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)a nthracene (DMBA) mammary tumorigenesis by high dietary protein in rats." Nutr. Reps. Int. 26 (1982): 793--806.
50. Hawrylewicz EJ. "Fat-protein interaction, defined 2-generation studies." In: C. Ip, D. f Birt, A. E. Rogers and C. Mettlin (eds.), Dietary fat and cancer, pp. 403-434. New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc., 1986.
51. Huang HH, Hawrylewicz EJ, KissaneJQ, et al. "Effect of protein diet on release of prolactin and ovarian steroids in female rats." Nutr. Rpts. Int. 26 (1982): 807-820.
52. O'Connor TP, Roebuck BD, and Campbell TC. "Dietary intervention during the post-dosing phase of L-azaserine-induced preneoplastic lesions." J Natl Cancer Inst 75 (1985): 955-957.
53. O' Connor TP, Roebuck BD, Peterson F, et al. "Effect of dietary intake of fish oil and fish pro­tein on the development of L-azaserine-induced preneoplastic lesions in rat pancreas." J Natl Cancer Inst 75 (1985): 959-962.
54. He Y. Effects of carotenoids and dietary carotenoid extracts on afiatoxin B1-induced mutagenesis and hepatocarcinogenesis. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, PhD Thesis, 1990.
55. He Y, and Campbell TC. "Effects of carotenoids on aflatoxin B1-induced mutagenesis in S. typhimurium TA 100 and TA 98." Nutr. Cancer 13 (1990): 243-253.
Глава 4
1. LiJ-Y, Liu B-Q, Li G-Y, et al. "Atlas of cancer mortality in the People's Republic of China. An aid for cancer control and research." Int.]. Epid. 10 (1981): 127-133.
2. Higginson J. "Present trends in cancer epidemiology." Proc. Can. Cancer Conf. 8 (1969):
40- 75.
3. Wynder EL, and Gori GB. "Contribution of the environment to cancer incidence: an epide­miologic exercise."]. Natl. Cancer Inst. 58 (1977): 825-832.
4. Doll R, and Peto R. "The causes of cancer: Quantitative estimates of avoidable risks of cancer in the Unites States today." J Natl Cancer Inst 66 (1981): 1192-1265.
5. Fagin D. News release. "Breast cancer cause still elusive study: no clear link between pollution, breast cancer on LI." August 6, 2002. Newsday.com. Accessed at httpJ/www.newsday.com/news/ local/longisland/ny-licanc062811887aug06.story?coll=ny%2Dtop%2Dheadlines
6. There were 82 mortality rates, but about a third of these rates were duplicates of the same disease for different aged people.
7. Calorie intake in China is for a 65 kg adult male doing "light physical work." Comparable data for the American male is adjusted for a body weight of 65 kg.
8. SerVaas C. "Diets that protected against cancers in China." The Saturday Evening Post October 1990: 26-28.
9. All the available disease mortality rates were arranged in a matrix so that it was possible to readily determine the relationship of each rate with every other rate. Each comparison was then assigned a plus or minus, depending on whether they were directly or inversely correlated. All plus correlations were assembled in one list and all minus correlations were assembled in a second list. Each individual entry in either list was therefore positively related to entries in its own list but inversely related to diseases in the opposite list. Most, but not all, of these correlations were statistically significant.
10. Campbell TC, Chen], Brun T, et al. "China: from diseases of poverty to diseases of affiuence. Policy implications of the epidemiological transition." Ecol. Food Nutr. 27 (1992): 133-144.
11. Chen], Campbell TC, LiJ, et al. Diet, life-style and mortality in China. A study of the character­istics of 65 Chinese counties. Oxford, UK; Ithaca, NY; Beijing, PRC: Oxford University Press; Cornell University Press; People's Medical Publishing House, 1990.
12. Lipid Research Clinics Program Epidemiology Committee. "Plasma lipid distributions in selected North American Population. The Lipid Research Clinics Program Prevalence Study." Circulation 60 (1979): 427-439.
13. Campbell TC, Parpia B, and Chen]. "Diet, lifestyle, and the etiology of coronary artery dis­ease: The Cornell China Study." Am.]. Cardiol. 82 (1998): 18T-21T.
14. These data are for villages SA, LC and RA for women and SA, QC and NB for men, as seen in the monograph (Chen, et al. 1990)
15. Sirtori CR, Nosed.a G, and Descovich GC. "Studies on the use of a soybean protein diet for the management of human hyperlipoproteinemias." In: M. J. Gibney and D. Kritchevsky (eds.), Current Topics in Nutrition and Disease, Volume 8: Animal and Vegetable Proteins in Lipid Metabolism and Atherosclerosis., pp. 135-148. New York, NY: Alan R. Liss, Inc., 1983.
16. Carroll KK. "Dietary proteins and amino acids---their effects on cholesterol metabolism." In:
M. J. Gibney and D. Kritchevsky (eds.), Animal and Vegetable Proteins in Lipid Metabolism and Atherosclerosis, pp. 9-17. New York, NY: Alan R. Liss, Inc., 1983.
17. Terpstra AHM, Hermus R.lJ, and West CE. "Dietary protein and cholesterol metabolism in rabbits and rats." ln: M.j. Gibney and D. Kritchevsky (eds.), Animal and Vegetable Proteins in Lipid Metabolism and Athersclerosis, pp. 19--49. New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc., 1983.
18. Kritchevsky D, Tepper SA, Czarnecki SK, et al. "Atherogenicity of animal and vegetable pro­tein. Influence of the lysine to arginine ratio." Atherosclerosis 41 (1982): 429--431.
19. Dietary fat can be expressed as percent of total weight of the diet or as percent of total calo­ries. Most commentators and researchers express fat as percent of total calories because we primarily consume food to satisfy our need for calories, not our need for weight. I will do the same throughout this book.
20. National Research Council. Diet, Nutrition and Cancer. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1982.
21. United States Department of Health and Human Services. The Surgeon General???? Report on Nutrition and Health. Washington, DC: Superintendant of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1988.
22. National Research Council, and Committee on Diet and Health. Diet and health: implications for reducing chronic disease rish. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1989.
23. Expert Panel. Food, nutrition and the prevention of cancer, a global perspective. Washington, DC: American Institute for Cancer Research/World Cancer Research Fund, 1997.
24. Exceptions include those foods artificially stripped of their fat, such as non-fat milk.
25. Armstrong D, and Doll R. "Environmental factors and cancer incidence and mortality in different countries, with special reference to dietary practices." Int. ]. Cancer 15 (1975): 617--031.
26. U.S. Senate. "Dietary goals for the United States, 2nd Edition." Washington, DC: U.S. Gov­ernment Printing Office, 1977.
27. Committee on Diet Nutrition and Cancer. Diet, nutrition and cancer: directions for research. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1983.
28. There also were a number of other policy statements and large human studies that were begun at about this time that were to receive much public discussion and that were founded and/or interpreted in relation to dietary fat and these diseases. These included the initiation of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines report series begun in 1980, the Harvard Nurses' Health Study in 1984, the initial reports of the Framingham Hean Study in the 1960s, the Seven Countries Study of Ancel Keys, the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT) and others.
29. Carroll KK, Braden LM, BellJA, et al. "Fat and cancer." Cancer 58 (1986): 1818-1825.
30. Drasar BS, and Irving D. "Environmental factors and cancer of the colon and breast." Br. j. Cancer 27 (1973): 167-172.
31. Haenszel W, and Kurihara M. "Studies of Japanese Migrants: mortality from cancer and other disease amongJapanese and the United States." J Natl Cancer lnst 40 (1968): 43--08.
32. Higginson J, and Muir CS. "Epidemiology in Cancer." ln: J. E Holland and E. Frei (eds.), Cancer Medicine, pp. 241-306. Philadelphia, PA: Lea and Febiger, 1973.
33. The correlation of fat intake with animal protein intake is 84% for grams of fat consumed and 70% for fat as a percent of calories.
34. Kelsey JL, Gammon MD, and Esther MJ. "Reproductive factors and breast cancer." Epidemiol. Revs. 15 (1993): 36-47.
35. de Stavola BL, Wang DY, Allen DS, et al. "The association of height, weight, menstrual and reproductive events with breast cancer: results from two prospective studies on the island of Guernsey (United Kingdom)." Cancer Cawes and Control 4 (1993): 331-340.
36. Rautalahti M, Albanes D, Virtamo J, et al. "Lifetime menstrual activity-indicator of breast cancer risk." (1993): 17-25
37. It was not possible to statistically detect an association of blood hormone levels with breast cancer risk within this group of women because their blood samples were taken at random times of their menstrual cycles and breast cancer rates were so low, thus minimizing the abil­ity to detect such an association, even when real.
38. Key TJA, Chen J, Wang DY, et al. "Sex hormones in women in rural China and in Britain." Brit.]. Cancer 62 (1990): 631-636.
39. These biomarkers include plasma copper, urea nitrogen, estradiol, prolactin, testosterone and, inversely, sex hormone binding globulin, each of which has been known to be associated with animal protein intake from previous studies.
40. For the total dietary fiber (TDF), the averages for China and the U.S. were 33.3 and 11.1 grams per day, respectively. The range of the county averages are 7.7-77.6 grams per day in China, compared with a range of 2.4-26.6 grams per day for the middle 90% of American males.
41. The correlation for plant protein was +0.53*** and for animal protein was +0.12.
42. In principle, using "cancer prevalence within families" as the outcome measurement more ef­fectively controls for the various causes of cancer that associate with different kinds of cancer, thus permitting study of an isolated effect of the dietary factor.
43. Guo W, Li J, Blot WJ, et al. "Correlations of dietary intake and blood nutrient levels with esophageal cancer mortality in China." Nutr. Cancer 13 (1990): 121-127.
44. The full effects of these fat-soluble antioxidants can be demonstrated only when antioxidant concentrations are adjusted for the levels of LDL for individual subjects. This was not known at the time of the survey, thus provisions were not made for this adjustment.
45. Kneller RW, Guo W, Hsing AW, et al. "Risk factors for stomach cancer in sixty-five Chinese counties." Cancer Epi. Biomarhers Prev. 1 (1992): 113-118.
46. Information Plus. Nutrition: a hey to good health. Wylie, TX: Information Plus, 1999.
47. Westman EC, Yancy WS, Edman JS, et al. "Carbohydrate Diet Program." Am.]. Med. 113 (2002): 30-36.
48. Atkins RC. Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution. New York, NY: Avon Books, 1999.
49. Wright JD, Kennedy-Stephenson], Wang CY, et al. "Trends in Intake of Energy and Macro­nutrients-United States, 1971-2000." Morbidity and mortality weekly report 53 (February 6, 2004): 8????2.
50. Noakes M, and Clifton PM. "Weight loss and plasma lipids." Curr. Opin. Lipidol. 11 (2000):
65- 70.
51. Bilsborough SA, and Crowe TC. "Low-carbohydrate diets: what are the potential short- and long-term health implications?" Asia Pac.]. Clin. Nutr. 12 (2003): 396--404.
52. Stevens A, Robinson DP, Turpin], et al. "Sudden cardiac death of an adolescent during diet­ing." South. Med.]. 95 (2002): 1047-1049.
53. Patty A. "Low-carb fad claims teen's life - Star diet blamed in death." The Daily Telegraph (Sidney, Australia) November 2, 2002: 10.
54. Atkins, 1999. Page 275.
55. Atkins claims that an antioxidant cocktail can protect against heart disease, cancer and aging, a claim refuted by several large trials recently completed (see chapter 11).
56. Atkins, 1999. Page 103.
57. Bone J. "Diet doctor Atkins 'obese', had heart problems: coroner: Widow angrily denies that opponents' claims that heart condition caused by controverial diet." Ottawa Citizen February 11, 2004: All.
58. Campbell TC. "Energy balance: interpretation of data from rural China." Toxicological Sci­ences 52 (1999): 87-94.
59. Horio F, Youngman LO, Bell RC, et al. 'Thermogenesis, low-protein diets, and decreased de­velopment of AFBl-induced preneoplastic foci in rat liver." Nutr. Cancer 16 (1991): 31-41.
60. Krieger E, Youngman LD, and Campbell TC. "The modulation of aflatoxin(AFBl) induced preneoplastic lesions by dietary protein and voluntary exercise in Fischer 344 rats." FASEB]. 2 (1988): 3304 Abs.
61. The cited associations of total animal and plant protein intakes are taken from manuscript under review.
62. Campbell TC, Chen], Liu C, et al. "Non-association of aflatoxin with primary liver cancer in a cross-sectional ecologic survey in the People's Republic of China." Cancer Res. 50 (1990): 6882-6893.
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44. The flow of blood is related to the fourth power of the radius. Thus, a reduction of seven percent is approximately related to a 30% greater blood flow, although it is not possible to obtain by calculation a more precise determination of this number.
45. Personal communication with Dr. Esselstyn, 9/15/03.
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27. The study by Poehlman et al. showed high oxygen consumption and higher resting metabolic rate but was badly misinterpreted by the authors. We had very similar results with experi­mental rats.
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Глава 8
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